Documentary Debut and SERFA Conference Presentations
Over the years I have participated on panels at music conferences about music and radio issues.
Folk Alliance 1994 Boston: Integrating folk music into the AAA format and the new term, Americana..
Americana Music Conference 2007 Nashville: Music selection, playlists and rotation systems.
This week I will be going back to North Carolina for the Southeast Regional Folk Alliance in Black Mountain, NC: I'll be presenting the academic paper, Fan motivations in Facebook promotion in Appalachia-based music that I posted last winter after two colleagues and I produced the study. I will also screen my two new labor history and music documentaries, The Millfield Mine Disaster 1930 and Burhania.
My debut show screening of the two films on May 12, 2017 drew over 150 people to the Southeast Ohio History Center in Athens, Ohio. Thanks to everyone who came out and to Jeanie Creamer for the photos.

I also had live musical performances at the show with participants from both films.

Jack Wright narrated the Millfield film and sang coal ming songs, acapella.

Ryland, Hilarie and Mark Burhans were featured in Burhania.
Here is the program I will be presenting at SERFA.

And both Devilish Merry and Appalasia will be there to showcase at SERFA this weekend. Thanks to Andy Cohen!