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Southeast Ohio History Center Concert Series to Launch!

From the History Center website...

Need something to clear away the blues during the cold, dark winter? Here’s your answer- join us for our first in a series of live concerts!

Our local/Appalachian music has always made history and our local wineries, breweries and distilleries are making new history every day so we’ve paired them up to bring you the Spirits and Soul Concert Series.

Each first Friday of the month from 8-10pm, we’ll will bring you live music and feature our regional craft brewers, fermenters and distillers.

The first in this “brush away the cold” series is The New Florida Blues Band. According to Burr Beard “The New Florida Blues Band leans on the old blues songs, they don’t just tickle ’em. They play them for all they’re worth, and for all the band’s worth. Noah Shull plays guitar, Andy Cohen play guitar, mandolin or fiddle. Barry Chern quadruples on guitar, mandolin, harp and clarinet, and they all sit on Tom deLimbarde’s tubistic (tuba) shoulders. And they lean on it. Hard.”

We can’t wait to hear this!

New Florida Blues Band / You May Leave This Will Bring You Back - I'm Satisfied

We have put together a series of concerts in the traditional vein every first friday in the months of January through May 2018 and here is the line-up.


Michael and Carrie are absorbed in the study of oral tradition, and are old-time singers and storytellers living in the Appalachian region. Singing to audiences of all ages, the duo performs in a variety of situations, from classrooms to prisons, from coffeehouses to picket lines.

JOHN SHERMAN & RANDY CLEPPER Friday, March 2, 2018

John Sherman and Randy Clepper are two acclaimed performers of Irish traditional music on finger style guitar, bouzouki, and tenor banjo.

DEVILISH MERRY, Friday, April 6, 2018

Devilish Merry fuses improvisation with traditional and contemporary Appalachian &. Celtic forms. The band creates a dynamic, layered, and driving brand of music that bridges cultural roots and produces a totally unique sound. Sue Powers, banjo, vocals, Jeff Berman on lap dulcimer, percussion, Jan Hamilton on fiddle and Burr Beard on hammer dulcimer and vocals.

HOOT & HOLLER Friday, May 6, 2018, with a old time workshop on May 7th

Amy Alvey and Mark Kilianski are inspired by the enduring spirit of traditional Appalachian mountain music. Their songwriting comes across as simple, fresh and honest. Their vocal harmonies are tight and tender. Both are Berklee College of Music alumni.

The opening month’s concert showcases Dutch Creek Winery, located at 15657 Dutch Creek Road in Athens. We will be featuring Dutch Creek’s excellent meads, such as Winter Spice, a Honey/Apple/Orange Cranberry Wine with spices, and Royal Affair, which pairs tea and citrus with the sweet and fruity floral smell of bergamot. Donations will be accepted for libations.

To learn more about Dutch Creek’s beginnings, click here

Tickets sold at the door- $10 for general public, $8 for SOHC members.

The Southeast Ohio History Center is located at: 24 W. State Street, Athens, Ohio 45701. For more information call 740-592-2280

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