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Fall Semester Work

This fall I worked with my MFA cohort in Commications Media with the OU Infectious and Tropical Disease Institute at the University's Heritage College of Medicine. Kellye Blosser, Owen Lowery, Terrance Reimer, Neketa Ford, Josh Crook and I collaborated to produce media to help the institute with fund-rasing, recruiting for academic research, and recruiting for student summer work in Ecuador. I was happy and amazed at the help everyone in my cohort provided me to complete my projects.

I produced a podcast with ITDI Director Mario Grijalva and WOUB that was aired and hosted on through its Spectrum Podcasts for on demand listennig there, and also on Google Play, Apple Podcasts and NPR One. My audience here is the general public radio audience that includes community opinion leaders.

I also interviewed PhD student and tropical disease reseacher, Patricia Mora Crillo who works here in Athens at OU in research on tropical diseases. She returns every summer to her home in Ecuador to combine her results with the work being done there. My audience here is with potential clinical research students that Paricia might influence.

Josh Crook and i produced a promotional film for the OU School of Art + Design, as an independent study with Media Arts Professor, Art Cromwell. I produced and Josh directed and edited. The School of Art + Design can use this piece to attract interest in their program on many levels.

In another course I planned changes to this space, my website. Here is the user experience based proposal that was my final project. Thanks for the assitance of colleage Adonis Durado on this work. Thanks to Andy Cohen and Ira Faro for use of their survey information.

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